“Nancy is an outstanding facilitator with the capacity to connect with her audience, captivating us and impacting the way we will lead in the future.”

Tom Sampson
Emergency Medical Services Chief,
City of Calgary
” A coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be. ”
Tom Landry
A solid and certified coach should bring experience, knowledge and a high level of honed skill to ever session you share. Me personally – I bring a genuine passion for connecting with people and helping them listen to their intuition versus their inner voice crap. My frankness, openness and natural ability to be with people helps put individuals at ease so they feel comfortable and confident with my support as they take action to shape the skills and life they dream of.
I am a really good coach.
With years of experience leading national teams and facilitating 40 leadership and communication competencies, I bring practical insights that can enhance our coaching sessions.
Between this website and Linked In, you’ll find 50+ testimonials from clients. Clients I am proud to call partners and part of my village, like I am of theirs.
We, you & I, will share an intro call to see if we are a fit for each other. It’s gotta feel right and by right I mean blend-able energy, shared values, understood objectives, a natural connection and more.
Nancy is a multi-accredited coach and facilitator through ICF (international Coaching Federation, both ACC and PCC levels), Co-Active Training Institute, CPSA (Canadian Professional Sales Association) DDI, and Langevin.